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  英文计算机专业个人陈述样本 【字体:
作者:网络    文章来源:网络    点击数:1105    更新时间:2007/1/10
         computer science personalstatement
   computing and its applications have always fascinated me and for this reason i have found my a-level courses extremely interesting. this also has maintained my long-term interest in computer-related careers. i have studied mathematics, physics and computing to a-level and also during the first year at hills road sixth form college i re-took my gcse english. last year and this year i have been improving my self-learning, and developing many skills with the help of the key skills qualifications and a-level general studies. my sincerest desire is to become a computer scientist. specifically, i am interested in exploring how problems can be modeled and solved using artificial intelligence. i also want to learn about human cognition and machine intelligence. i have been studying the online debate over whether machines will ever become "intelligent" given the current course of research and reading about such

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