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  面试时争取高薪的中英问答范例 【字体:
作者:网络    文章来源:网络    点击数:476    更新时间:2007/3/15

  单位主管:你目前(或上一份工作)的待遇是多少?How much do you make now? (Or how much did you make from your last job?)   


  (1)我目前(或上一份工作)月薪是三万五千块,加上两个月的年终奖金。I am presently (or was) making 35 thousand dollars plus 2 months of year-end bonus.

  (2)我的薪水低于比一般行情。I am (or was) making less than the average pay.

  (3)对不起,我不想回答;因为这两份工作的职务与行业都不一样,两者无法相提并论,所以不如请您告诉我公司规定是多少? I am sorry but I’d rather not answer your question because these two jobs are totally different in the nature. I cannot compare an apple with an orange; this job has nothing to do with my current (or last) job. Therefore, why don’t you suggest me how much I should ask for?   


  单位主管: 你的希望待遇是多少?(这高出我们的预算。) What is your expected salary? (That’s more than we had planned.)   

  应征者: (1)就这个工作而言,以我的学历/能力/经验,理想是三万五左右,但希望不低过三万块月薪。(我相信这个要求很合理。) Based on my education/skills/experiences to this job, my ideal is 35 thousand but not lower than 30 thousand a month. (I believe this is very reasonable.)

  (2)我希望有四万出头。(您将会发觉我是物超所值。) I am looking for low 40 thousand. (You will find I am worth more than every dollar of what you pay me.)

  (3)我想要求五万五到六万(但这可以再商量)。 I would like to have 55 to 60 thousand (but that’s negotiable).

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