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  英语毕业论文-学历、学位英文证明信 【字体:
作者:网络    论文来源:网络    点击数:545    更新时间:2007/4/11

Let it be known that Mr. Wen Huang, native of Jiangsu Province, born on August 30, 1973, having specialized in Marketing in the Department of Economics & Management from Sept.1995 to July 1998 and having completed the four year undergraduate program with qualified standing,is hereby awarded this Certificate of Graduation.

This is to certify that Mr. Wen Huang, born in Jiangsu Province on August 30, 1973 has studied for 4 years (from Sept.1995 to July 1998) in the department of Economics & Management majoring in Marketing,has completed all the courses prescribed in the Teaching Program, and has passed all the exams necessary for graduation from Nanjing niversity. Having fulfilled the requirements stipulated by the Academic Degree Regulations of the People's Republic of China, he/she
is awarded the degree of Bachelor of Business.

Certificate of Master Degree University of Nanjing We the undersigned hereby certify that Mr. Wen Huang having fulfilled the requirements of the Ordinances and Regulations of the University was by the University authority admitted to the Degree of Master of Business Administration at a Congregation held in the University on July 14, 1999.


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